Welcome to the CCA Store
Most items may be purchased directly from the CCA with the exception of several CCA books that are sold directly from the publisher as noted below. The CCA receives a royalty on these books when ordered through our store links.
Orders are usually shipped within 3 business days. For assistance or questions on your order, please contact Dale Green, dalecarves@gmail.com
Note: At this time, we DO NOT offer international shipping. Our online store currently accepts only PayPal payments from within the United States.
Pins and Patches
Caricature Carvers of America Pin
The Caricature Carvers of America Pin is enamel coated and measures 1 3/8″ x 3/4″ in size.
$5.00 + $2.00 s/h
Caricature Carvers of America Patch
The Caricature Carvers of America Patch is embroidered and measures 3 1/2″ x 1 3/4″ in size.
$6.00 + $2.00 s/h
Books, Roughouts and CDs
NEW! Read My Lips
A Step by Step Photographic Guide to Carving Lips and More!
Learn to carve caricature lips with the members of the Caricature Carvers of America. A step by step photographic guide to carving caricature lips and more. Chapters include step-by step instructions and photos designed to help both beginner and the more advanced carvers.
PLEASE NOTE: Book release date is September 14th, 2024. Book orders will ship after this release date.
$20.00 each + $7 s/h Shipment by USPS media mail. Delivery may be delayed.
Pick Your Nose and Carve It!
A Step by Step Photographic Guide to Carving Noses and More!
Learn to carve caricature noses with the members of the Caricature Carvers of America. A step by step photographic guide to carving caricature noses and more. 25 chapters containing each carver’s unique approach to creating the perfect caricature nose. Chapters include step-by step instructions and photos designed to help both beginner and the more advanced carvers.
$20.00 each + $7 s/h Shipment by USPS media mail. Delivery may be delayed.
The Eyes Have It –
A Step by Step Photographic Guide to Carving Caricature Eyes
Many carvers feel the eyes are the focal part of a carving. The chapters of this book provide a myriad of examples to guide you through the process of creating eyes for your caricature carving. In our newest book, The Eyes Have It, the CCA members share their individual perspectives through photos and text to visually demonstrate their approach to carving eyes from beginning to end.
$20.00 each + $7 s/h Shipment by USPS media mail. Delivery may be delayed.
Thinking Inside The Roughout
Thinking Inside the Roughout leads new and experienced carvers through the creative, carving, and painting process of 28 of America’s top caricature carvers. In each chapter, a member of the Caricature Carvers of America creates a unique carving, starting from the same generic roughout. Included is a step-by-step chapter describing the carving process, beginning with the roughout and ending with painting and antiquing the finished piece. Individualized chapters describe the artist’s approach to developing an idea, including tips on carving and painting through full-color photos and text. Additional carvings from the generic roughout are featured in a gallery at the back of the book.
Size: 11″ x 8 1/2″ | 916 color images | 144 pp
Binding: soft cover
$25.00 each + $10 s/h (NOTE: if shipping charges are less, they will be refunded)
for Thinking Inside The Roughout Book
The Roughout is approximately 4″ x 4″ x 12″
$30.00 each + $17 s/h (NOTE: if shipping charges are less, they will be refunded)
Thinking Inside the Roughout AND the Roughout
$55.00 each + $19 s/h (NOTE: if shipping charges are less, they will be refunded)
Concepts to Caricatures:
Celebrating 25 Years of Caricature Carving
Celebrating their 25th Anniversary, the Caricature Carvers of America’s newest project offers an exclusive look into the creative carving process of twenty-six of America’s top caricature carvers. CCA members have been given free rein to create one-of-a-kind carvings representative of their individual style. With full-color photos, drawings, and text, chapters describe the artists’ personal approach to developing ideas, drawing patterns, and carving, painting, and finishing their caricatures. The book includes a step-by-step chapter on carving a baseball player, patterns for many of the original pieces, and individual chapters describing the unique approaches members of the CCA take as they carve in their trademark styles. The book includes a never-before-seen gallery of carvings spanning the 25-year history of the Caricature Carvers of America.
Size: 11″ x 8 1/2″ | 815 color & b/w images | 160 pp
Carving a 1930s Street Scene
The Caricature Carvers of America (CCA) present a 1930s street scene in caricature, complete with eleven buildings and over 100 original caricature carvings. In our newest project, CCA members offer their approach to developing ideas, building models, carving, painting, and finishing techniques though photos, drawings, and text. The book includes a step-by-step chapter on carving a piece from the scene as well as patterns for many of the original carvings. From auto repair to movie theatres, this book depicts downtown USA during the Great Depression, through the eyes of 29 of North America’s top caricature carvers.
$29.99 each + $3.51 s/h
Caricatures in Motion
Ninety-six full color pages featuring 25 original pieces by members of the CCA. Add action to your carvings with a step-by-step chapter for the carving featured on the cover and additional chapters on developing patterns, painting and finishing.
Size: 11.0in x 8.5in | Pages:96 | 349 photos & patterns | Binding: Paperback / softback
Carving an 1880s Western Train
This beautiful full color book features 80 pages of photographs documenting the creation of the CCA’s recent train project. It also features techniques for creating caricatures.
Size: 11.0in x 8.5in | Pages:64 | 200+ color photos and patterns | Binding: Paperback / softback
Caricature Carvers Showcase Book
Discover the award-winning work of the Caricature Carvers of America. Features 50 original patterns along with biographies, carving techniques, and painting tips.
10th Anniversary Signature Collection CD eBook
(Note: This is an eBook and requires a CD player to view)
This CD Book contains 30 current and previous CCA member’s work. Each member set out to create a carving from a 4″x4″x12″ block of wood and showcase their personal areas of enjoyment in caricatures. There are over 80 pages of color photographs, along with carving advice and great tips. Each piece provides its own pattern. These carvings are among the finest ever carved by the CCA Membership.
$8.00 + $2.00 s/h
Carving the Full Moon Saloon
Over 150 pages, featuring color photographs, drawings and the steps in the creative process that the CCA members went through to bring you this great book. This project has received strong positive reaction from the carving community and “Carving the Full Moon Saloon” has become a classic woodcarving book.
Carving the Circus
This was the second book created by CCA. It brings together 130 carvings that make up the Circus. The Big Top Three Ring Circus scene is also feathered. More then 60 Patterns of Circus Caricatures are illustrated for your enjoyment. This makes a great addition for your carving library.